Current Exhibit Programs for Schools

More great programs are in the works for our upcoming exhibits! Be sure to check back often for updates.

Reserve your spot today! Contact us at or 810-982-0891 ext. 118. Programs may be adjusted to fit other grade levels. Give us a call to see if we can accommodate your class.

Previous Exhibit Programs for Schools

Interested in booking a program from a previous exhibit? Check out the list below for programs that can still be booked.

Study of Life

Grades K-1
With just over 1,500 species of plants native to Michigan, vegetation has diverse habitats ranging from prairie land and dense forests to grow in. Join the Port Huron Museum as we explore our ecosystem to learn what plants and animals need to survive. Create your own terrarium in a bottle that you can watch flourish in your classroom.

Round and Round: The Life Cycle of a Plant

Grades 2-3
What is a life cycle? Do rocks have one? Living organisms have life cycles that begin from an egg or a seed. During this program students will discover evidences that all living things grow and change as they progress through their life cycle. By creating an ecosystem in a bottle they will explore the life cycle of plants, and learn the role that each plant part plays as a plant develops.

What's the Difference?

Grades K-1
Think about what you use on a daily basis; toothbrush, shoes, pencil. Now think about what you enjoy playing with in your free time; football, tea set, bicycle. These objects that you use day in and day out are things you need, while others are things you want. Students will learn the difference between wants and needs. We will also take a look at how businesses throughout St. Clair County help the community by providing goods and services.

From Dirt to Bowl

Grades 2-3
Ever wondered what it takes for a tiny corn kernel to turn into a bowl of cornflakes? We’re about to find out! Join us to learn about natural, human, and capital resources as we find out what it takes to make a tasty breakfast of cornflakes here in Michigan. Plant your own kernel to take back to the classroom and watch it grow!