Movie Night at the Museum: Nosferatu (1922)
Thomas Edison Depot Museum (Under Blue Water Bridge) 510 Thomas Edison Pkwy,, Port Huron, MI
$1.00 - $5.00
Enjoy a Monday movie night in the Black Maria at the Thomas Edison Depot!Enjoy a film in the Black Maria at the Thomas Edison Depot Museum!Prepare for the remake coming out in December, by watching the original silent film that began the vampire film frenzy; Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror. Watch the classic silent film with a bag of freshly ...
Get a creative jump start on holiday cards & tags, while learning about the embossing process!Want to get a start on some creative cards & gift tags for the holiday season? The Port Huron Mueseums recurring program, Little Joys with Lisa Jo, is here to help!Join our expeirenced artist in residence, Lisa Jo, as she guides you through an evening ...